Violence-Inducing Behaviour Prevention in Social-Cyber Space of Local Communities
Researcher Project for Technological Convergence Related to Enabling Technologies
The project will create the foundation of a transformative new technology for combating radicalization and hate speech in online social spaces
The Project
Hate speech, radicalization and polarization in online social environments is one of the leading global societal challenges today. How to respond to online hate speech is a question troubling many democracies – including Norway. Such malicious online behaviours not only impede the universal right to a free and peaceful existence, they also negatively affect response efforts of both public and official agencies during disasters, and thus, local community services require tools to timely monitor risks to community resilience from the social environment.
In this project our primary objectives are to: (a) ASSESS key behaviours and risks to local communities and (b) MITIGATE the identified risks by developing advanced and real-time methods for monitoring and preventing such malicious behaviour on the Internet. This will be achieved through utilizing algorithms of artificial intelligence or big data technologies in innovative and new ways. The project will analyse social media data, taking into account ethical, social, and legal challenges in line with computational social science approaches.
Studies, Strategies and Software will be different phases of the SOCYTI project and are transferred into different Work Packages that orchestrate the realization of the SOCYTI objectives together. A novel aspect of technology innovation in SOCYTI includes our research methodology of a hybrid multi-task learning framework for multilingual violence-inducing behaviour detection tasks demonstrated, using knowledge graphs, text classification and sentiment analysis, and deep neural networks.
SOCYTI will embrace transformative innovation by adapting the correct mindset for technology enabling community resilience, significant advances in state-of-the-art and top-notch research contribution within and across disciplines.
The project flyers
Carol Azungi Dralega, NLA University College
Dante Della Vella, Western Norway Research Institute
Ehtesham Hashmi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Hemant Purohit, George Mason University
Mohamed Abomhara, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute
Sarang Shaikh, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sule Yildirim Yayilgan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
This video content and design by Torborg Igland & Carol Azungi Dralega in cooperation with Terje Sunnarvik Tveit.
Project Manager: Rajendra Akerkar
Project Owner: Western Norway Research Institute
Duration: May 2022– September 2026
Dissemination (For SOCYTI publications in Cristin)
Ehtesham Hashmi, Sule Yildirim Yayilgan, Muhammad Mudassar Yamin, Mohamed Abomhara, Mohib Ullah. Self-supervised hate speech detection in Norwegian texts with lexical and semantic augmentations, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 264, 2025, 125843, ISSN 0957-4174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125843.
E. Hashmi, S. Yildirim Yayilgan, I. A. Hameed, M. Mudassar Yamin, M. Ullah and M. Abomhara, "Enhancing Multilingual Hate Speech Detection: From Language-Specific Insights to Cross-Linguistic Integration," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 121507-121537, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3452987.
Dralega, C.A., Igland, T., Seddighi, G. (2024). Challenges in Regulating Online Hate-Speech Within the Norwegian Context. In: Akerkar, R. (eds) AI, Data, and Digitalization. SAIDD 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1810. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53770-7_12.
Senarath, Y., Purohit, H., Akerkar, R. (2024). Violence-Inducing Behavior Prevention in Social-Cyber Space. In: Akerkar, R. (eds) AI, Data, and Digitalization. SAIDD 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1810. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53770-7_10.
Hashmi, Ehtesham; Yildirim-Yayilgan, Sule; Shaikh, Sarang. (2024) Augmenting sentiment prediction capabilities for code-mixed tweets with multilingual transformers. Social Network Analysis and Mining.
Ali, Hashir; Hashmi, Ehtesham; Yildirim-Yayilgan, Sule; Shaikh, Sarang. (2024) Analyzing Amazon Products Sentiment: A Comparative Study of Machine and Deep Learning, and Transformer-Based Techniques. Electronics (Basel).
Hashmi, Ehtesham; Yildirim-Yayilgan, Sule. (2024) A robust hybrid approach with product context-aware learning and explainable AI for sentiment analysis in Amazon user reviews. Electronic Commerce Research.
Hashmi, E., Yayilgan, S.Y. Multi-class hate speech detection in the Norwegian language using FAST-RNN and multilingual fine-tuned transformers. Complex Intell. Syst. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40747-024-01392-5.
E. Hashmi, S. Y. Yayilgan, M. M. Yamin, S. Ali and M. Abomhara, "Advancing Fake News Detection: Hybrid Deep Learning with FastText and Explainable AI," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3381038.
D. Della Vella, H. Nguyen, and R. Akerkar, “The Utility of Community Resilience Models for the Prevention of Online Violence”, ISCRAM, vol. 21, May 2024, Accessed: May 22, 2024.
Y. Senarath and H. Purohit, "Lifelong Learning Framework for Multilingual Hate Speech Detection in Social Media Streams" in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (Working Papers), Sep. 2024.
Dralega Carol Azungi and Igland Torborg. Building resilience against online hate-speech – perspectives and synergies from stakeholders within Norwegian contexts. Session Digital Culture at Norsk Mediekonferanse 2024, Ålesund, 17-18 October. (Accepted 2024)
Dralega Carol Azungi and Igland Torborg (2024) Sammen mot Hatprat (Together against Hate Speech). 14th September, 2024, Kristiansand. National Open Science Day (Forskningsdagene) 2024 Theme: Health. 18 – 29 September 2024. (OPEN SCIENCE DAY - FORSKNINGSDAGENE)
Dante Della Vella, Carol Azungi Dralega, Torborg Igland and Rajendra Akerkar. Reflections on Incorporating RRI Goals into Online Violence Prevention Research, at the AFINO International Conference, Oslo, 30th August 2024.
Dralega Carol Azungi and Torborg Igland (2024) A victims’ lens into the dark side of online hate speech, at UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day 2024 Academic Conference, Chile. Session: Safeguarding Press Freedom amindst Journalist unsafety. 1-4th May, 2024. University of Chile.
Igland Torborg and Dralega Carol Azungi (2023) The Battle over rights, balance and entitled racism – a discourse analysis of media coverage of Sumaya Jirde Ali-Atle Antonsen Case, session on News Content. At NORDMEDIA2023 - Technological Takeover? Social and Cultural implication - Promises and Pitfall, August, 16 – 18 Bergen.
Torborg Igland, Carol Azungi Dralega and Gilda Seddighi. Unpacking the tensions in the Legal Regulation of Online Hate-Speech within the Norwegian Context. In Proceedings of Symposium on AI, Data and Digitalization (SAIDD 2023), ISBN: 978-82-428-0457-0, 2023.
Yasas Senarath, Hemant Purohit and Rajendra Akerkar. Violence-inducing Behaviour Prevention in Social-Cyber Space. In Proceedings of Symposium on AI, Data and Digitalization SAIDD 2023, Sogndal, Norway. ISBN 978-82-428-0457-0, May 2023.
Hemant Purohit. Leveraging Open Knowledge Networks to Enhance Data Analytics for Social Good. Open Knowledge Networks (OKN) Workshop, ACM SIGKDD Conference, Washington DC, 2022.
Gilda Seddighi. Temasamling om netthets og hatefulle ytringer. Empo - flerkulturelt ressurssenter, Bergen, 2022.
In Media
En dugnad mot hatprat. Carol Azungi Dralega og Torborg Igland. Dagsavisen, 25.06.2024.
Vil bruke KI for å bekjempe hatprat på nett. 22 March 2024
Responsible Research and Innovation for Preventing Online Violence – News from AFINO (ntnu.no), 24 January 2023.
Skal hindre netthets og hatprat. 03 January 2023.
Hvordan kan vi stoppe hatprat på nett? December 2022.
Hvordan forebygge og stoppe hatprat på nett? 05 December 2022.
Combating online hate speech with new methods. 16 Jun 2022.
Master Thesis on the SOCYTI related topics
Andreas Aarrestad and Santhosh Shanmugam, An Applied Approach to Machine Learning for Hate Speech Management on Social Media Platforms. Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU.
Submission date: November 2023, Main supervisor: Sule Yildirim Yayilgan, Co-supervisor: Sarang Shaikh, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).